Are you fiercely independent?


Are you confident in your own ability to hold it all together even in the middle of complete chaos?


But do you have trouble going all in within your relationships, always holding back just a bit?

Do you thrive under pressure when it all falls on you to put back together?


But then you   feel responsible for everyone's emotions? 

Do you feel safest and most alive when you are alone, leading yourself through the ups and downs of life...


But then you are burned out and exhausted?

wow that's me...

Does asking for help feel like the last thing you want to do?


These are signs of the Ultra Independent Shadow Archetype...


I see you as that strong independent Badass B,

but also so tired of having ALL the responsibility on yourself


Do you know you can have needs & still meet the needs of others


Especially since  everyone seems to let you down... 


What if I can show you how to stay powerful, independent and in control but also not be exhausted...      

Join the masterclass

 Where did we learn this? Where does the fierce independence start?


You learned  this early on

Do you remember when you felt so scared and you asked for help but no one was there...
Or when you trusted your parents to SEE you and MEET your needs
and then got let down..
Or when your family celebrated your ability to shut down your needs and hold your emotions back and be the “responsible one”
Guess what…  you still have needs even if you are the only one taking care of them 
You are allowed to be responsible and still pass the baton.. in fact it’s necessary
Burnout and exhaustion are intricately linked to not asking for help BEFORE you hit the brain fog


The Ultra Independent tells us that you can’t trust anyone…


But what if there was another way

What if you could  still be a powerful bad B but also have a support system  to sustain you?
What if you could learn to shift that armor into healthy boundaries?
What if you could finally take a deep breath and fully lean into trusting, someone other than yourself?

Join me Feb 20th at 12pm MST

To learn how to be powerful & also not take on everything 


Hi I'm Coco

a Trained Trauma Therapist turned High Level Mentor


This year I am committed to guiding each and every one of you through your shadows and how to heal your body, your pleasure, your money and your relationships.


 Each month I am leading a workshop  on that specific shadow archetype that month (for example January is the Wounded Child) and HOW to face, heal and integrate your shadow self.


These workshops are designed to lead you through the hard work of looking at your behavior and seeing the root cause of your subconscious triggers and what you need to do to move through them.


I invite you to join me month to month as I unpack each archetype and lead yourself into full integration and a HEALED relationship with your past. 

Unpack the Ultra Independent with us!


Together we'll be covering 

- 3 steps to soothe the ultra independent and lean into the flow you desire
- Discover how the ultra independent can sneak into your mindset, your body, your career and your relationships
- Walk away with a set of tools to somatically clear your nervous system and start speaking from your truth not your shadow
Join here!