Reducing Relationship Anxiety with Sarah Yudkin

anxiety fear podcast relationships Mar 21, 2022

Episode Summary:

Is anxiety in your relationship stopping you from taking the next step or trusting your partner fully? This episode of Let the Rest Burn is for you! This week we are joined by Sarah Yudkin, Relationship Anxiety Coach and founder of You Love and You Learn. She’s sharing her own experience with relationship anxiety, how she has worked to overcome it, and how she works with her clients to help them be more confident in their relationships. I’ve learned so much from Sarah in the time that I’ve known her, and I think you will, too! 

Topics Discussed:

  • How Sarah is continually working on burning down her limiting beliefs and stories about herself

  • Being a victim vs. victim mentality and how to turn this into empowered action and healing

  • The expectations that social media and pop culture create for our relationships that are anxiety inducing

  • Understanding our bodily responses to certain triggers and trauma

  • Learning to let go of control and just surrender

  • The importance of being able to take space in a relationship during an argument

  • Why you need community to truly heal and feel seen, plus the positive side of social media

About Sarah:

Sarah Yudkin is a Trauma-informed Relationship Anxiety Coach whose mission is to help people feel more confident in their relationships and normalize the ‘not so glamorous’ parts of relationships that often lead to anxiety. She is passionate about sharing her own experiences with relationship doubts and helping change the one-size-fits-all narrative around love and relationships that contributes to doubt and anxiety.

Episode Resources:

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