Getting Through the Sunday Scaries

anxiety divorce May 16, 2022

Episode Summary:

Have you heard of the Sunday Scaries? This time, I would say, is about 3 to 4 PM on a Sunday where anxiety hits you like a truck. Sometimes it's related to the week ahead, edging closer to that Monday morning. Sometimes, it’s related to things left undone the previous week. But I think the Sunday Scaries can affect every person, whether you are divorced, single, parent, or childfree. So if this is something you struggle with, let’s talk about it on today’s episode. I’m going to be breaking down the cause and some action steps you can take to make Sunday feel more restorative and less scary. 

Topics Discussed:

  • How Colleen defines the Sunday Scaries and the strategies she uses to overcome them 
  • Why being productive or sitting with your feelings doesn’t always help solve things
  • Giving yourself permission to meet the needs you have, to heal 
  • The power of planning restorative activities for yourself and/or your family on Sunday 
  • Why you should turn inward before you renew the week

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